19 September, 2007

I wrote a letter to Steve Wozniak.


What? Wha-aat? The big red horse-face lady from tv? She's an icon for gays, but that just means she's horribly unattractive. Those sensitive queers and their pity laughs! No no no you're too smart. Sure, she's "funny," in a basic way. Like someone's cold sore is funny. But Kimmel's not balling ALL the decent-looking comediennes.
Kathy Griffin (post-surgery)

Get over whatever esteem blocks you're stumbling on and get with the BILLIONAIRE program. She's using your name and public image for bits on Larry King! You've embarrassed yourself enough. Drop her like something hot (pretend!) and tell all your friends it was a big goof. "I only let her blow me" is an unassailable excuse and has worked for some jams I've been in. You're welcome.
C'mon, Woz,


Wolftech said...

She is not that bad. Id do her.. besides, at least while he is spending time with her, he his not out playing Segway Polo...

Loland Kapuchinski said...

Thank you for making a comment. I said "Wow, a comment!" when I noticed it. That is why I'm going to give you a long ass reply. I hope I don't come off as adversarial.
I had not known Segway Polo existed. It may not be Buggy Rollin' but pretty cool, like Whirlyball for fat richies. If you are too cool for Whirlyball, john, then please don't read my weblog anymore. You are too damn cool.
A more fun thing fat richies do is have intercourse with HOT ladies. Sure, YOU'd do her. You're just john. (Honestly, I might take a 'crack' during a bender/slump -- literally, of course.) But even lowly millionaires don't have to tap below an eight. She is a five, tops, and kind of mangled. Remember the mom from Brazil? Similar, but I'd tap her way before cagey KG. You and I could do turnsies.
Thanks for the comment,