31 August, 2007

Reading the Sunday Comics to Blind People

They don't tell you that you need to bring the paper. They do not provide it. Or you can get creative.

In the first panel, Janis is going through Arlo's old socks. She says "Arlo, you never throw your old socks away!" Arlo responds: "Some people throw their old socks away. Some people throw their grandmothers away."
In the next panel Janis is visibly upset. "We put my grandmother in a home because she was fucking demented, you shit!"
In the next couple panels Janis and Arlo argue about whether or not Janis had ever told Arlo that her grandmother was put in a home. Arlo says it was probably her previous husband she told that to. Arlo calls her a dumpster for cum and mentions that she once lived in a van with a black, and now she lives in a real house Arlo bought with money from the comic strip she hates so much.
In the next panels, Janis leaves and her son Gene comes in. Arlo is sitting on the couch, frustrated. Gene says to Arlo "Hey, Dad." Then Arlo says "Don't call me Dad, kid."

Blind people are sneaky, and if they don't hear any paper crinkling, they will call you on it, even if you are making up the most erotic Miss Buxley-centric Beetle Bailey Sunday strip ever. The moral of this story is don't ever try to read the Sunday comics to blind people.

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