27 July, 2008

10 Things Kids Could Do Instead of Smoking.


There’s so many things kids could be doing besides smoking!

Kids could be:

Chucking shit at a beehive.

Rhyming using swear words.

Perfecting a new two-handed masturbation technique.

Drinking codeine cough syrup and standing in the exact middle of the park.

Skipping stones. It’s not gay if you’re really good at it. You don't have to skip there or anything.

Going on a homeless watching expedition.

Catching moths and feeding them to Chad’s gerbil Chuckle Chomps.

Discussing the latest Hustler.

Performing pudding-cupilingus.

Checking the factory dumpsters for sharp metal rubbish resembling throwing stars.

Bothering the garbage men. Cripes, I wanted to be a garbage man!

You know what? Fuck it. Kids should smoke.

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