13 May, 2008

Happy Belated Mother's Day

Strophe: I would go on a date with your moms but I don't have change of a five.

Antistrophe: I would go on a date with your moms but I don't have change of a one.

Epode: I would go on a date with your moms but I don't have a change for my eyes.

What's the difference between your mom's ass and a hard drive? A hard drive occasionally gets wiped.

Your mom's titties are so small they should be on the Periodic Table.

Your mom's pussy is more played than Parcheesi.

Your scientist mom is so fat she invented an oxygen-rich cookie dough for deep sea snacking. Your mom is awesome!

Your mom's collection of antique wooden "nautical pegs" got a low estimated auction price at the Antiques Road Show because they all smelled like old enchiladas.

Your mom was the third most popular State Fairs-era Foghat roadie passaround.

Your mom's vagina smells so bad I would have to stick a dead skunk up my nose in order to go near it.

Your moms had so many abortions that next time she gets a free one.

Your mom's pussy got so much AIDS I call it "Little Haiti."

I call your mom's underwear drawer "The People's Republic of Shitstainia."

Your mom is as fucked up as the uterus on Jamie Curtis.

Your mom did so poorly on Price is Right that the audience went quiet and Bob Barker was visibly shaken.

Your mom rides a recumbent bicycle.

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