09 July, 2007

I Wrote Some Limericks.

"There once was a man from Nantucket
Whose dick was so long he could suck it"
But they got the story wrong
Not about the dick being long
But I'm not from--I just live--in Nantucket.

There once was a hot young Laotian
Who drank a magical potion
He got double drilled
And then he got killed
That unfortunate Sinthasomphone

There was a sheep-herder named Jock
Who had an incredible flock
His sheep were most famousest
For their distended anuses
Wait--did I accidentally say flock?

And one for the kids...

There once was a Shaolin from Wudan
Whose kicks were incredibly good and
So when he got in a fray
He just ran away
(He wouldn't soil his nice Nikes for nothing).

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