27 November, 2007

Loland Kapuchinski: Devil's Advocate

Saudi Court Sentences Gang Rape Victim to 200 Lashes

Now when I first read that headline I was like "Wahabbi-Whaa-at?!" The Internerdosphere had a field day about this, our President's latest atrocity by proxy.

Atrocity seems like something larger-scale. Like if they lined up and killed the last nine crazy-ass Jews that still live in that country. And atrocious isn't bad enough a word -- that's how I behave at Christmas parties. It seems impossibly insensitive after a rape -- but is it backwards?

Saudis have a law that says no single woman of a certain age (young enough to be worth the effort of raping) can hang out with men without a cousin or chaperone. Is it backwards? It is just as backwards to have a law saying you can't hang out with a bunch of crocodiles. You gets into a car with 4 crocodiles and you takes your chances.

I have had rapes described to me and I have to internalize the "Well OF COURSE you got raped!" response. I fell out of a tree once and cried to my mother and she asked "What were you doing in a tree?"

Tori Amos shouldn't have given that dude she just met a ride. Jodie Foster shouldn't have slutted it up in a bar full of dudes and no women in The Accused. The Accused is based on a completely different real-life story of a woman who was just minding her own business buying cigarettes and got raped. I think even King Abdullah Ibn-Saud would give her a pass -- that's terrible!

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